Product Information
On Frisenvang.com you can find information on the important product properties, for further information or questions about existing information please send an email to Frisenvang on mfrisenvang@os.dk
All prices are current prices and only valid on the day of ordering. Prices change regularly and often from day to day. Buyers will be billed at the rate applicable on the order date if Frisenvang accept the order. All prices are shown incl. VAT. Orders for shipment outside Denmark will be invoiced with the same price as orders for Denmark. This means that the VAT will not be refunded to the customers. This is necessary in order to be able to cover the very expensive freight to countries outside Denmark as we send all orders with free delivery.
Presentation of products with a price on Frisenvang.com is not a binding offer, but merely an invitation to make a purchase. When a buyer orders products from Frisenvang.com it is not a binding acceptance, but a binding offer to Frisenvang.com to buy products on the terms stated.
A binding agreement between buyer and Frisenvang.com is only concluded when Frisenvang.com by order confirmation accept the buyer’s offer.
After we have received your payment either via bank, Paypal or mobilepay Frisenvang will ship of the products.
Shipping and delivery times
Frisenvangs orders for shipments outside Denmark are sent by PostNord or GLS. We have flat rate worldwide shipping on all orders and
We will send your order as soon as possible. Orders are shipped off maximum 2 days after being received in our system. Normal delivery time for Danish orders is within 7 working days. International orders is typically delivered within 2 weeks. Should your order be delayed, we will inform you by email.
The risk of accidental loss or deterioration
Only at the time when the products ordered have come in possession of the buyer, the payment of the ordered products are charged to the buyer.
Complaints related to Frisenvang must be communicated as soon as you have discovered the error. It is your responsibility upon request, to show how the error manifests itself. If you find an error, please urgently contact Frisenvang.
Disclaimer and guarantee
Seller is not liable for direct or indirect losses, if the ordered product arrive late. The same applies if the ordered products have defects, if the delay or defects are due to buyer’s act or omission or circumstances which are beyond the Frisenvang.coms’ control. These are conditions such as: war, riot, civil commotion, fire, state interference, currency restrictions, labor disputes of any kind including strike and lockout, or the like.
Frisenvang.com gives no independent guarantee of the goods ordered, and the buyer obtains only the guarantees granted by the manufacturer to the purchaser.
If the buyer has regretted his purchase within 14 days after delivery, the amount bought will be refunded by Frisenvang.
Goods returned UFRANCO will be denied receipt. When you return products, please use Post Denmark or other national post services – as it makes it possible to track the item, if it gets lost during return shipping. You must send the product properly packed – together with a copy of the invoice and please write clearly that you wish to make use of your right to return the products and that you want to to get back the amount paid. Buyer cover the costs of returning goods to Frisenvang.
You can also cancel your purchase by refusing to receive the package. Then the package will be sent back to Frisenvang.
Frisenvang pay you back your money when the returned item is received in unused and undamaged condition.
The website Frisenvang.com is operated by the company:
Frisenvang IVS CVR no: DK36398736
TELEPHONE: +45 91544686,
Bytinget 6, 1, 2700 Brønshøj, Copenhagen
Subject to change
Frisenvang reserves the right to modify and update the rules and conditions applicable to this website. It is therefore important that you keep yourself informed of any changes.
FDIH / Consumer Council www.fdih.dk
Consumer Agency www.forbruger.dk
Consumer Council www.forbrugerraadet.dk
Consumer Information www.forbruger.dk